Finding Your True North – What Does That Mean Anyway?

The concept of “True North” comes from the idea of a compass that points toward the North Pole, symbolizing unwavering direction and guidance. Finding your “True North” is a journey to uncover your genuine values leading to your purpose and direction in life. Your true north guides you and keeps you aligned with who you are at your core. Understanding and having the confidence to know what is important to you, what motivates you, and what principles you want to live by regardless of external pressures or challenges.

When you are in alignment with your “True North” your sense of self is stronger, your relationships are more satisfying, your career path is aligned with who you are, your leadership skills are enhanced, and you are more confident in your ability to handle challenges that come your way.

If you are uncertain that you are living your life purpose or confused about the current direction of your life, have experienced or are experiencing trauma-related blocks or obstacles, find that self-sabotaging behaviors are preventing you from getting ahead, are frustrated with your leadership skills in both your life and career or doubt yourself in anyway, then I’d like to introduce you to my program; “EmpoweredYou” – The ultimate guide for those brave enough to face their “True North”, overcome their challenges and reclaim their power.  


“EmpoweredYou” – Transforming Self-Sabotage Into    Self-Mastery 

For centuries, we have used metaphors like; mountains, sailboats, and even icebergs to understand and overcome the challenges we face, especially those seemingly impossible to defeat. By using these metaphors we can make sense of where we are now in our lives, where we want to be in the future, and how we can get there.

Perhaps you already have an idea of what your challenges are. Maybe it’s a lack of motivation, poor leadership skills, addiction behaviors, relationship problems, financial difficulties, or maybe it’s trauma-related, lack of self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, or possibly an overall limited sense of who you are or what you are here to do.

We all have dreams, goals, and desires, but the reality is, that most of us struggle to achieve them. We doubt our abilities, downplay our accomplishments, sabotage our leadership roles, take a backseat in our relationships, and often feel we are not worthy of something more. We tend to deny our strengths, ignore our intuition, and are fearful to stand in our power. As unfortunate as that is, women don’t tend to soar to the level of their dreams, they stay stuck at the level of their self-worth and self-confidence. That has to change but how do you get there?

Allow me to introduce you to my program,  “EmpoweredYou”- The ultimate guide for those brave enough to face their “True North”, overcome their challenges, and reclaim their power. This program takes women of all ages from limiting beliefs, self-sabotage patterns, feelings of imposter syndrome, and those living in fear and judgment of themselves and others to absolute power and success over every area of their lives.

Everything you are, everything you’ve experienced, every challenge you have ever had, and everything you are passionate about, is a reflection of who you are today, why you are here, and what you are here to do.

Click the button to find out more about “EmpoweredYou”.

Who Is Maria?

I think the most important thing to know about me is that I am a lot like you. I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a grandmother, and a friend. I spend my time with my best friend and husband Jeff, and together we have six children and ten (10) – “super cute”, “super smart” grandchildren that fill our lives and our hearts with so much joy. We are truly blessed.

But as life would have it, it hasn’t always been easy, and I haven’t always been able to find my “True North” or even knew exactly what that meant. Earlier in my life I educated myself, read just about every self-help book out there, took workshops and programs, earned multiple certifications, and attended several therapy sessions, all in an effort to “find myself”. So basically, I’m a mid-west girl who has experienced and overcame many challenges and along the way, I have learned what it means to live a fulfilled life.

I now have the good fortune to help others live their best lives by teaching self-worth, self-confidence, and what it means to be the leader of your own life. I shine a light on self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and expose our emotions for what they really are. I provide my clients with science-based tools, strategies, and platforms to help them become what they want to be, successful in all areas of their lives. I have also been blessed to share my story with others to help those who have been through trauma in their lives in the hopes that they will see that they are not their circumstances, they are not their past, and that they can be what they aspire to be. 

I am the Founder and Creator of “EmpoweredYou” –  The Ultimate Guide For Those Brave Enough To Face Their “True North”, Overcome Their Challenges, And Reclaim Their Power Within.

I am an expert in Self-Sabotage, Limiting Beliefs, and Self-Defeating Behaviors. As a Certified Business, Personal, and Trauma-Informed Coach and an Emotional Intelligence Expert, I have the unique ability to recognize situations, patterns, and beliefs that do not serve, and instead offer better-serving alternatives to help in the process of finding their True North.   

  To learn more about my story visit “Meet Maria.”


“We Are All Born With Our Own Unique Imprint To Leave Upon The World”