Element 3:

In a world full of game players, the only way to set yourself apart is to be a game changer.

The last of the three core elements is – Publish. The three core areas within publish is – Design, Publish & Distribution, The Key to Continued Success.

To make this easily achievable – Element 3 has 3 focus areas:

  • Focus area 1 = DESIGN



Here Is A Sneak Peek Of What We Can Do For You:

Element 3: PUBLISH

In today’s world, businesses that succeed are the ones that create something that stands out amongst all the noise and gets noticed. When you can deliver magazine that helps your community and looks not only professional but beautiful, you gain the trust and authority of your readers.

To make this easily achievable – Element 3 has 3 focus areas:

  • Focus area 1 = DESIGN – Designing your magazine exciting, you create your layout, shares your ideas and work with your designer to create exactly what you want. Designing your magazine and seeing the end product gives you the satisfaction of a job well done.

  • Focus area 2 = PUBLISH AND DISTRIBUTIONWhen it comes to finding the right printer, you will have access to all of the resources and questions you will need to find the right printer for you. You will also learn best practices on distributing your magazine getting it out to thousands of people each month.

  • Focus area 3 = THE KEY TO CONTINUED SUCCESS – You will also learn what the key to being successful is and how by living from a place of happiness, taking the time to celebrate your accomplishments, helps you to live a purposeful life.

Once you’ve achieved Element 3, you are ready to move onto the Introduction Course.

Meet the Living Your Life On Purpose, Creating A Business You Love

A 3 phase Plan, that helps you take action, by creating new habits that automatically align you with health and then the weight loss you want – just happens naturally!